Category Archives: Patreon

Patreon Releases

So Patreon got a couple of releases today.

First up is Glendinning early access, which contains a trailer skin for my custom trailer mod, and three MAN skins. This mod will stay on Patreon until it is complete in a month or two.

My new version of the custom trailer mod (WIP) is also available to Patreon on early access. My goal is to have this ready for a full public release when 1.45 goes live, but since I have no idea how long OB may last, I can’t guarantee this.

And finally we have my Supermarket Pack, for those on my FB group you will have already seen me post some shots of these skins. The Supermarket pack will be a top tier patreon exclusive for some time (basically until finished) but since it is not a priority mod that could take a year or two.