1.50 & Truck Accessory Pack Update

In a previous (now deleted) post I mentioned that I would be merging the Truck Accessory Pack and the Scania MG DLC Addon into one using the new base folder and dlc_ folder structures.

This plan has been scrapped. Simply put this system is highly limiting and barely functional.

In theory it was a good idea, it would’ve allowed me to have the two mods in one with only the DLC bits showing to those who own it. But in reality the system is incredibly flawed.

When using mods with the base/dlc_ function you cannot zip the mod. You are able to zip the base and dlc_ folders individually, which would be fine for Steam users, but from a modder perspective it’s annoying to my work flow. Completed mods are always zipped, folder mods are those I am actively working on. So being forced to have a folder mod there permanently would get in my way. It wouldn’t be a major issue and it was one I would have been willing to over look.

The biggest issue is the uploader itself. When using the base/dlc_ format the uploader is unable to figure out why SCS files are not in the base/dlc_ folders. So any file I was using in the model or as shop icons that were SCS defaults wouldn’t be found causing the uploader to fail.

Since there is no way in hell that I want to copy all SCS files into the mod or make my own versions for them just to accommodate the workshop uploader tool, I have decided to scrap the merge and just keep the two mods as they are.

Basically SCS had a good idea, but implemented it badly.

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